In this guide you will see how to perform a group by operation on your data in Entity Framework and how to use aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX or COUNT.
The GROUP BY statement is usually used (mostly with aggregate functions) to group the result of your query by one or more columns.
Contents for Entity Framework: Group By example C#
Starting Point
We will use the simple database created in the Entity Framework Database First Approach.
Yeah, yeah, I added Guns to the model, sue me.
The first thing you have to know is the syntax:
SELECT [column-name]
FROM [table-name]
WHERE [where-condition]
GROUP BY [column/columns]
ORDER BY [column/columns]
Aggregate Functions
The group by statement is usually seen with an aggregate function, used to extrapolate useful information from the data.
Let’s consider the three more common functions used.
The COUNT function gives us informations about the number of results for each value of the column we chose to group by.
Following the model, we can get..
The number of robot factories for each distinct location:
var query = from r in context.RobotFactories
group r by r.Location into g
select new
Location = g.Key,
Buildings = g.Count()
- The number of robot dogs armed for each location:
SELECT f.Location, COUNT(d.RobotDogId)
FROM RobotDog d
JOIN RobotFactories f
ON d.RobotFactoryId = f.RobotFactoryId
WHERE d.Armed = 1
GROUP BY f.Locationvar robotDogs = from d in context.RobotDogs
join f in context.RobotFactories
on d.RobotFactoryId equals f.RobotFactoryId
where (d.Armed==true)
select new { f.Location, d.RobotDogId } into x
group x by new { x.Location } into g
select new
Location = g.Key.Location,
Count = g.Select(x => x.RobotDogId).Count()
We could try to find the number of guns of robots with the same name:
FROM RobotDog
.GroupBy(x => x.Name)
.Select(g => new { Name = g.Key, Guns = g.Sum(x => x.Guns) });
Or maybe the number of guns in each location:
FROM RobotFactories f
JOIN RobotDog d
ON f.RobotFactoryId = d.RobotFactoryId
GROUP BY (b.Location)
As a last example, we could find the max number of guns owned by a robot in each location:
FROM RobotFactories f
JOIN RobotDog d
ON f.RobotFactoryId= d.RobotFactoryId
GROUP BY (b.Location)
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