Ready to go with your first project with Gatsby?
One of the first thing to know is surely how to create a new project in gatsby.
Here’s how to get started quickly!
Install Node.js
First make sure you have Node.js installed, so you can use npm (which will help you manage Node packages)
Not sure if you’ve installed or not?
Open your console and type:
If you have Node installed then you will also see your version!
Otherwise, go to Node page and install the right version for you.
Install Gatsby CLI
Install Gatsby CLI, a npm package that will help you create a new site in no time.
Always in the terminal type:
Create the site!
Do you want to create a site called “debuxing”? (no you do not want)
Use the last installed package and create it with:
The magic of creation is unfolding before your eyes, your site is being prepared for you.
Open and start
Once completed move to the new folder you have created
And make the engines roar!
Et voila! Your new site is ready for you on http: // localhost: 8000